Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Fuck......how long is going to take to get my Dad back? No call from the funeral home today.......he's still fuckin' lying there. I am going to bitch and moan in someone's ear tomorrow! I want this over sooner than later, for Christ's sake.

I making a shadow box as a memorial to my Dad. The box is already made (have the glass too), I just have fill it with some momentos. So far I have some pictures, some of his medals, some of his patches from his marxman days. (he was an expert marxman in the Army). I have lots of stuff........just gotta find it all. He loved Hershey Bars, so I will put a Hershey wrapper in there also.

My Uncle called today.........yes, he is feeling pretty bad. I knew it would hit him.......you can't let someone leave this world without letting them know how you feel about them. He wants to come up to visit.......I can't deal with him now. Sorry.


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