I posted, but the damn thing won't publish.....this is a test.
Friday, August 08, 2003

My Haunted Prison Tour! Click the pictures below!
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Historic Prison Tour. Make you own badge here.
Hi everyone! My name is Chris. Wife, Mother to one Son and two pooches. I'm an avid reader of historical fiction. I knit and crochet, do woodworking, enjoy gardening, love decorating, need alone time, drool over brownies and chocolate chip cookies, addicted to Pepsi and lobster, night owl, late riser, hate to cook, pray they want take-out, love Clapton &
Metallica, slowly learning the guitar, hate the sore fingers, and I'm ruling Queen of the roost! :-)
Favorite Reads:
Island Queens Life
Work With Me
Wendi's Wacky World
Yarn Tomato
The Daily Grind
The Crochet Dude
Witchy Woman
Previous Posts
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