While at Mom's I met a new friend of hers......it was instant dislike for me. There was something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. I feel bad about it, but I can't help how I feel.
ANYWAY.......Mom volunteered me to cut her hair. (thanks Mom) So, me being the nice person that I am, reluctantly went over to her house with Mom. We walked in......Mom yelled her name.....no answer. "M" was in sitting in the living room chair pale as a ghost and unresponsive to us. Well, I immediately called 911.....then she says NO.....so, stupid me, I hung up. Of course, a 911 operator called back. She HAD to send out a police officer. Which was a good thing because this woman NEEDED to go to the hospital. The officer arrived and talked her into him calling the medics. They arrived, took her blood pressure.....it was 170 over 83. YIKES!! Her pulse was also weak and irregular. Needless to say they loaded her into the ambulance and carted her off to the hospital. Talked to Mom yesterday......"M" is feeling better and undergoing lots of tests.
My personal opinion?.......the woman is anorexic. She measures everything she eats, which is very little. She's so skinny that a light breeze would blow her over. Her daughter is worried about her eating habits too (she talked to Mom on the phone).
I don't know what's up with this lady.......but, something rubs me the wrong way.
While at Mom's I met a new friend of hers......it was instant dislike for me. There was something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. I feel bad about it, but I can't help how I feel.
ANYWAY.......Mom volunteered me to cut her hair. (thanks Mom) So, me being the nice person that I am, reluctantly went over to her house with Mom. We walked in......Mom yelled her name.....no answer. "M" was in sitting in the living room chair pale as a ghost and unresponsive to us. Well, I immediately called 911.....then she says NO.....so, stupid me, I hung up. Of course, a 911 operator called back. She HAD to send out a police officer. Which was a good thing because this woman NEEDED to go to the hospital. The officer arrived and talked her into him calling the medics. They arrived, took her blood pressure.....it was 170 over 83. YIKES!! Her pulse was also weak and irregular. Needless to say they loaded her into the ambulance and carted her off to the hospital. Talked to Mom yesterday......"M" is feeling better and undergoing lots of tests.
My personal opinion?.......the woman is anorexic. She measures everything she eats, which is very little. She's so skinny that a light breeze would blow her over. Her daughter is worried about her eating habits too (she talked to Mom on the phone).
I don't know what's up with this lady.......but, something rubs me the wrong way.
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