Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I feel like shitola.......

...and......now I have laryngitis to boot. It's your fault Kate for all the yackin' we did on the phone last night! :-) I woke up this morning and squeaked. I sound just like a man that was kicked in the nuts. It's funny as hell.......at MY expense, of course.

I competely missed the event as it happened.......shows how observant I am. The Jackson boob event, if you didn't know already. I caught the last few moments of the half time show and didn't even notice the boob flopping out. Actually, no one in my house noticed it, just our friend that was over for the game. We all thought he was nuts when he mentioned it. (sure......you wish) But.......he wasn't nuts afterall.

I can't imagine why CBS would book such acts in the first place. The Super Bowl is a family event............not a time nor place for holding dicks, bumpin', grindin', ripping off clothes. Save that for the always revealing MTV Awards. Imagine your 5 year old kid asking why that man is holding his pee pee. I'm truly offended everytime I see some asshole on TV gyrating and holding his dick. It's totally disgusting. As for Janet........I'm so glad she isn't MY daugher. I guess her aging career needed an "uplift".


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