Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Hell House

I gotta share this experience.........

We have a wood shop that's located in a friends basement. Hubby goes there every day, (kinda like a job), to make cabinets for our online and ebay business. I went over to the shop last Friday to help make the shelf that is shown in an earlier post.
We went in via the breeze-way, as soon as hubby opened the door that leads to the basement and kitchen......the odor stench hit me square in the face. Ever smell wet laundry that was forgotten in the washer for a few days? Times that by 1000. MOLD.......I mean nasty, wet, black mildew from hell. I don't know how my hubby can stand to work with that smell.......he says it ain't easy, but has no choice. It actually choked me. I went down to the basement and hubby has 2 air fresheners on a string tied to a fan so the fragrance is dispersed. Believe me, it didn't help a bit.
No one was home so I decided to snoop the upstairs........(hehhhhhhhh) You would never know that the kitchen floor was actually white underneath the grime. There was a pot on the stove with some kind of rice mixture.....it had turned into a pencillin experiment. Hubby said it has been there for about 2 weeks. I put the pot in the sink as a "hint". The garbage can was full, so all other garbage was being piled up on the floor.
The living room furniture was piled with clothing........not much entertaining going on in that room.....no place to put your ass if you actually wanted to sit in there. I think the carpet has literally turned to dirt.
The bedroom was just as bad......clothes everywhere and no sheets on the bed. How can you sleep with no sheets?? Maybe the sheets that were on the bed at one time just turned to dust. Don't even ask about DUST! (scream) The bathroom..........wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. I'd shit in the yard if I had to shit. The famous computer room.........(terror scream!!!).........dirt and garbage EVERYWHERE. Absolute filth. The house smells like someone died and then died again. How in the world can a person live like this?? I gathered up all the garbage in the kitchen (couldn't stand it) and put the bags in the breeze-way........you know something.......it's still sitting there, garbage pick up day has passed. Hubby came home today and I could smell that stench on his t-shirt........(shaking head). We've known our friend for over 20 years.........it's time to have a talk. I am so tempted to take some pictures and post them.........


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