Monday, December 29, 2003

Wow! it's a......

GORGEOUS day! Where did winter go? It feels like spring!

We just got back from the post office. Not going to make it to Michael's today......hubby decided to take a ride to Woodworkers Warehouse, which is about an hour away. They are going out of business and he wants to take advantage of the liquidation sale. I'll be heading to Michael's tomorrow.......Home Depot and most likely Wal Mart too.

I was surfing some blogs last night and found a doozy. Some guy is apparently in so much emotional pain that he is literally cutting his arms. ::shiver:: He said he has made about 30 cuts and his arms are a mess. ::no kidding, buster:: What's up with that? I can't begin to imagine. Hey fella, get some Prozac!


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