Thursday, December 09, 2004

oh, bah humbug

Our Christmas is pretty much on the skids this year as far as gifts go. We had our truck in the shop for much needed repairs (ten years old!) and the grand total we had to dish out was $1,013.00. This money came out of our savings......I HATE dipping into our savings account. ::cringing:: It hurts my soul to do it.
Anyway, we won't be doing any Christmas shopping this year. I did pick up an X Box game for Caine (Halo 2) while at Mom's, sorry to say, this is probably all he will get this year. As for hubby and I, we agreed not to buy eachother anything. However, the house is decorated and we WILL be getting a tree this weekend! I'm just happy that we are all together, happy and healthy, that's the most important gift to me.


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