Saturday, March 27, 2004

hubby and I

We've been married for 31 years now.......he is my soul mate, my right arm. I would be lost without him.
The first time I saw him was at our regular hangout at "The Wall". The wall is a concrete thingie in a park in a town in NJ. The town where I went to high school. He was there with a girl, her name was Chris too. I noticed him, but I didn't talk to him. I just knew he was the cousin of a person I went to school with. He was different from the other guys......for one thing, he is French...and he had a slight french accent. (now he has a Jersey french accent....eek)
I wasn't really interested in him because I was somewhat dating a guy at the time. BUT, my best friend was. We would drive by his workplace and she would pretend to be having an orgasm (today, she would deny that.....heh). Somehow she managed to get a date with him to go to a basketball game at a rival school. Her, him, his cousin & his date, and me.....stag. By chance, my best friend wasn't able to come (grounded for some reason or another), was him, his cousin & his date.....and me. Well, I ended up with him in the back seat of his cousin's car fighting off his eight arms and hands (you get my drift). The guy was a friggin' octopus! Evidently, he didn't mind the date switch.......because he ended up with ME. Forever.
Yes, my best friend and I remained best friends even after I stole her guy.


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