Sunday, April 25, 2004


The dogs were fed today (witnessed it).......I haven't called the SPCA yet. I'm going to see what happens during the week. Like I told hubby, yeah, they fed them today......but, will they be fed tomorrow? Not sure what's going on in that house, I'm wondering if anyone lives there at all anymore. We will see.

I had the most rotten headache all day. My neck is so sore, I wrenched it yesterday, I have a hard time turning my head to the right. PITA!

Very cool and cloudy day today. I did some weeding in the front of the house and some late trimming in the back. My butterfly bushes didn't fare well this winter, most all of the branches were dead. I cut it way back.

We had our friend over for dinner and the NASCAR race (Gordon won...boooo). I made a roast beef, mashed potatoes and green beans. My favorite meal! NO dessert! I've lost about 4lbs aready.
Mom called, she had company all day. No rest for the weary. Joe is very bossy when people are over.......his kingship is a big pain in the ass.

Everyone is in bed over here........time for some peace of mind and some tube. SHIT! I forgot to watch Trading Spaces Home Free!! I wonder who won? Imagine your mortgage being paid off! :::sigh:: I never did vote.


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