Saturday, October 30, 2004

verrrry interrresting....

I've always wondered what my method of knitting is called, well I just found out. It's called Continental Knitting, or German Knitting. Makes sense since my Mom is German and she taught me how to knit and crochet. I've seen people use the lever-action or English Knitting and thought to myself....."that looks like a whole helluva lot of work that's unnecessary!". If you're planning on learning to knit, try the Continental style, it's much easier! (no offense to English knitters)
I'm wondering if knitting is contributing to my shoulder pain. If anyone has pain in the shoulders from knitting, please let me know.

On another note:

The Jersey Devil was recently spotted in Galloway Township, NJ. While driving, a woman spotted the Devil climbing up a telephone pole. It jumped down and approached her car before running into the woods. Galloway Twp. is not far from me! EEK!


Blogger Dyane said...

I don't knit, but I get pain in my shoulders from crocheting. EEk!! The Jersey Devial has always freaked me out & I live in UT *L*

2:16 PM  
Blogger Marsha said...

I'm an "English" knitter. I've always wanted to learn "Continental" it would probably be easier for me being left handed, but I"ve done it so long the other way, and Continental confuses me. I do get pain in my shoulders from knitting if I knit too long without a break.

That Jersey Devil thing sound very scary!

7:46 PM  

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