Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Hidey HO!

Just taking a break from guitar practing and figured I would post something.
At the moment I'm learning some of the chords to Metallica's, "Unforgiven". It's basically:

Am, C, G, Em, Am, C, G, E, Am. It's played on the first 3 frets.

I've learned alot of the basic chords, but my strumming sucks big time. I know, it will come in time.......and with alot of practicing. I'm determined to play the guitar.......even if I'm 80 by the time I get it right!

We picked up THIS electric Fender Stratocaster for Caine for Christmas. Of course, he got it early and has been playing like crazy.

Just some advice for beginners.........If your finger tips are KILLING you, buy some of those rubber finger tips at any local office supply store (got mine at Staples). Cut them to fit your finger tips......NO MORE painful fingers! Also, don't put the heavy strings on your the light metal strings.

All in all, things are fine over here! We moved Joe over to the new building last week......the place is like a five star hotel. Gorgeous! Our vets deserve the best! I'll take some pictures when I go over there to visit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool Guitar! He must love it! We got Kylie a Daisy Rock for Christmas. She picked it out, but doesnt get it until Christmas. Its driving her crazy! She currently has an acoustic.

So, you need to video the two of your jamming and post it on your blog!!! Keep practicing, you'll do great!

Glad to hear Joe's new place is so nice.

Have a wonderful Christmas!!!

12:11 AM  

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