Wednesday, March 31, 2004

gray day

We are having very shitty weather here on the east coast. Gray, cold and damp. Lovely day for napping........btw, I did nap this afternoon. I haven't been feeling well lately. Not sure what's wrong......I just feel tired and totally lazy. No ambition at all and kinda gloomy. Could be spring fever or, cabin fever.

The Nova was finally hauled away today. Took the guy 3 months to come and get it. Saturday he is supposed to come and pick up the 2 engines. Once all of this shit is gone, I plan on planting lots of planters with impatients. It's the north side of the house so they should do well. I also want to get a nice seating bench. I want to make the area attractive from the road and when using the side door. It's been a friggin' junk yard for years. One old rusting car and 2 motors.......our son's legacey.

Caine is sick again. He has another cold coming on. Hopefully I don't get it this time. The last time I caught his cold, I had laryngitis for 3 days.

I planned on going to Mom's this weekend, but my trip has been postponed until Easter Sunday. We all will head over for dinner, the men will go home, and I will stay a week. I can't to get out of here for a few days!!


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