Sunday, April 04, 2004

obsessive dog

Does anyone out there have a dog that constantly licks their feet? Daisy is always licking one foot or another and it drives me nuts. "Foot" is a dirty word to her since I always tell her to "STOP LICKING YOUR FOOT!". I don't yell, but I say it all the time. Now, when she hears the word "foot", she leaves the room. It's the doggie "F" word around here. She also leaves the room when we make a fart noise (real or made up). If she's buggin' me, I just do a mouth fart. ::heh::
Such a weird dog. She's madly in love with me.......she's my shadow. Everywhere I go, she goes. I'm always tripping over her. She even waits by the bathroom door when I'm attending to business. I can't get away! She's one of a kind for sure.
Daisy.......I love you too, now stop licking your foot!!! (she's doing it again!)


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