Wednesday, January 12, 2005

hump day.....

does that sound nasty or what? hump day.


I had a dream last night that I was a teacher teaching kids math (of all things)! Hey, I can add and subtract, but after the 2x's in the multiplication tables....I'm fucked. I'm a proud owner of a trusty and well used calculator. I don't know how I got that job!!

We have to hire a CPA to go over our invoices, receipts, ect........for the last 3 months. We have to submit a Profit & Loss sheet to the charity care dept., and it HAS to be from an accountant. Oh joy! I'm a lousy book keeper too! No wonder I'm having dreams nightmares about numbers! I'd like to get all of this shit done and submitted sometime next week.

My Mom is really sick, I do believe she has the flu (so much for that flu shot she got!). I offered to go over there to help her, but she refused. Being a Mom, she doesn't want me to get sick too. (Thanks, Ma!) I'm going to visit her next week anyway, so hopefully all the germs will be outa there by then! {{Feel better, Mommy!}}

It's almost been a month since hubby stopped smoking! {{I'm proud of you, Babe!}}

"Wife Swap" is coming on soon, gotta run!


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