Thursday, January 27, 2005

update from Mom's

I'm still at Mom''s been hell week and two days over here! I arrived here last Tuesday a week ago. Joe (stepdad) wasn't feeling well, he could barely walk and when he did, he would get lost on his way to the bathroom, kitchen....ect. On Wednesday while Mom and I were enjoying some peace and quiet in her sunroom, Joe fell out of bed during his nap. We tried to pick him up off the floor to no avail...he was like a 500lb. sack of mashed potatoes and 91 years old to boot! We had to call 911. The ambulance came and the attendants got him back into bed, of course he refused to go to the hospital. Dumbass! Needless to say, on Thursday he DID go to the hospital....we had to call 911 again. Apparently he had an infection in his gall bladder and it spread to his kidneys and bladder, he had blood in his urine. He was discharged last night and taken to a rehab/nursing home on Rt. 70 (Manchester Manor). There is so much to tell, I'm just posting a recap of the events!
Anyhoo........he will be staying in the rehab/nursing home until Mom can get him into the Veterans Home down by my house. Mom cannot bring him home anymore....he is sucking the life out of her. I'm so worried about her, she looks absolutely haggard. He needs constant care, and she is tapped out. If things stayed the same here, he will be putting her in the ground before her time.
Of course, he doesn't know this yet, he thinks he's coming home after the rehab. For a couple of years now, he's been claiming that he is totally blind so Mom does everything from feeding him to wiping his ass. Now all of a sudden, he can see. My gosh! It's a freakin' miracle!! ::eye roll:: The bastard! This is a form of abuse, he is abusing the shit out of her!!
Not anymore.....the tables have turned.....and I'm not sorry.
He's getting excellent care where he is and he's not killing anyone to get it.
So, that's what is going on over here.
My hubby is coming here tomorrow to bring my medication (I didn't bring enough) and I will be staying here until this coming Wednesday.
I'll post more when I get a chance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Chris...I am sorry you are going thru all that mess! But, I think you are definitely doing the right thing for your Mother! She doesn't need to try and deal with Joe any longer! I am sure she will be much happier without all the stress...and I am SURE you will feel better about it!

Take Good Care of yourself! Love to You, Your Mom and Frenchie too!


11:55 PM  
Blogger mekanamom said...

(((Chris))) Wow- I am so sorry you and your mom have had to deal with all his crap! Thank goodness he will be in the Veterans Home, where he can get the care he needs without hurting your mom... (((hugs))) to you; sounds like it was one hell of a week. :-(

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie - I'm so damn sorry that your Mom is so run down. If you need a break, I can always run on over to vist for a little while. Your Mom only lives 20-30 minutes from me. Call me!


9:11 PM  
Blogger Marsha said...

I'm so sorry you and your mom are having to deal with all this. It's so hard having to make such decisions, but you have to do what's best for you mom right now. (((Hugs)))

5:53 PM  

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