Tuesday, June 07, 2005

anything to pay the mortgage....

Anyone interested in jewelry? Sure you are!
I am now selling jewelry on ebay.......hey, we need the extra dough. All the pieces are hand picked by me......just incase I don't get any buyers, I'll wear the damn stuff. :-)

Not only are we being invaded by termites, we are also being overun by ants. We could have an ant smashing party over here......anyone interested? I've been stepping on them for most of the day. We bought a bunch of stuff to kill them, most of them are crawling around in a daze now. No more signs of termites, thank God. When we start painting the family room, we'll be replacing all of the baseboard those nasty critters had for dinner.

Off to bed, or hubby will have my head! (for getting up late) "We have work to do!", he bellows.

Nite all.


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