Monday, December 11, 2006

forgot to mention this before!

Before the hockey game my son took me to a bar that he goes to sometimes, for a quick dinner before the game. You don't want to eat at the stadium! Nine dollars for a soda and pretzel!! Sheesh!
Anyhoo.......I don't like bars to begin with. CHEESY! But, I was a good sport. They had some thing going on called, "Jingle Bells Night". It's when people are escorted on a hired school bus and are driven to all the bars in the area. I think there were 13 bar stops. They stay at a bar for awhile and then get on the bus to the next bar.
I not a drinker, so naturally, I think it's a disgusting way to spend your time. LOL

So, we were sitting at the bar eating our pork sandwiches with hot peppers and horseradish. YUMMY!
Here comes a bus load of drunks. Oy.
Of course, one couple had to sit in a bar stool next to me. Oy. Yes, a couple on one bar stool.
The girl and guy were quite drunk to say the least. She was all over him, french kissing, rubbing all over him. Practically fornicating in public.
So, here I am with a pinched look on my face, trying to force my pork sandwich down my throat so we could get the hell out of there. Anyone who knows me can only imagine how my face looked.
I don't consider myself too much of a prude, but this took the cake! I was so disgusted with these two people at my elbow while choking down my sandwich.
I imagine when it was time for him to really Jingle Her Bells, he was so drunk that the idiot between his legs was about as useful as oars on a waterbed. I hoped so anyway!
I hate bars.


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