Wednesday, February 07, 2007

feeling puny

Argh.......I'm coming down with something. My throat is sore and I feel achy all over. My first sickness this winter, I guess that isn't too bad.

I've been trying to get organized around here......papers and stuff. I cleaned out our file cabinet, I have a trash bag full of stuff that has to be burned or drowned in the sink. I have a shredder, but that takes too much time and always seems to jam up. What I usually do is fill the sink with hot water and soak the paperwork, once soaked I then ball it up in a tight ball. Mush it all together. This is the easiest way I found to destroy sensitive material.

Anyway, I found some paperwork about my citizenship. I am a citizen, but Mom and Dad failed to have my citizenship certified once they returned to the US in 1955. So, I have to haul ass to immigration and get this stuff cleared up. I can't get my drivers license renewed until this is done. I need a photo license in order to get a new passport. I need the passport in order to go to Germany this summer. What a pain in the backside. See what the terrorists accomplished? We have to go thru hell and high water in this country just to get ID's now. Sucks.

My MIL got the results from the multitude of tests she has undergone these past few months. Both lesions (on jaw and lung) are lymphoma.........non-aggressive lymphoma. She needs no treatment now, but may have too undergo chemo in the future. So, we all consider this to be good news.

In other news......I've been listening to my first audio book. It's the lazy way to read! The book is, "The Grapes of Wrath" (great book and I know you've seen the movie with Henry Fonda as Tom Joad!). Twelve cassettes............I'm on my last one now. I'll tell ya, I just love it! You can relax, turn out the lights and visualize/understand so much better. I recommend buying an audio book, just to give it a try. :-)


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