Have to get ready soon. Heading over to the prison to drop off my thank you letter, a release form, and to see Miss Anderson. After that, we will head over to the funeral home. Depending on how I feel when I get home......I might do some work, or I just might go back to bed to escape for awhile. Needless to say, I am anxious to have this day over with.
Friday, June 27, 2003

My Haunted Prison Tour! Click the pictures below!
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Historic Prison Tour. Make you own badge here.
Hi everyone! My name is Chris. Wife, Mother to one Son and two pooches. I'm an avid reader of historical fiction. I knit and crochet, do woodworking, enjoy gardening, love decorating, need alone time, drool over brownies and chocolate chip cookies, addicted to Pepsi and lobster, night owl, late riser, hate to cook, pray they want take-out, love Clapton &
Metallica, slowly learning the guitar, hate the sore fingers, and I'm ruling Queen of the roost! :-)
Favorite Reads:
Island Queens Life
Work With Me
Wendi's Wacky World
Yarn Tomato
The Daily Grind
The Crochet Dude
Witchy Woman
Previous Posts
- Added some color to my blog......just messin' arou...
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- Error message is gone..........cool!
- I wonder when that error message on my blog is goi...
- Heard from the funeral home today........Dad is re...
- Kate is setting up my new template! :-) I like kid...
- Oh.......never listen to the Clapton song, "Tears ...
- Fuck......how long is going to take to get my Dad ...
- Joe Mom emailed tonight to tell me that she final...
- Just got off of the phone with Kate......such a c...
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