Wednesday, May 12, 2004

splish, spash, I took a bath!

Phew! We finished connecting the new pipes! A job well done! It's a blessing to be married to a man that knows how to do things. This plumbing job would probably have put us back at least $300, if not more. We hooked up 36 feet of PVC pipe. It cost us $31 to do it ourselves.
Tomorrow we clean up.....we were both too pooped to do it today. Lots of stuff for the trash man.....he's gonna love us!

It's been quite a week for mishaps. Yesterday, hubby had to cut two rings off of my finger. My wedding band and my diamond & ruby ring (worn on the same finger). My fingers tend to swell when the weather is hot, and my rings began to practically cut the circulation off. There was no way in hell I could get those rings off...I tried soap, butter and vegetable oil. So, the last resort was to have them cut off. It was no easy or painless task (whimper), but he did it. Eventually, I'll have the rings resized so I can wear them again. My wedding band belonged to my grandmother, it's very dear to me and broke my heart to cut it.

Hopefully, the rest of the week is uneventful! ::fingers crossed::


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